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Austin Cagle

Executive Director
Abbey Murfreesboro

The Rev. Austin Cagle is the Executive Director for the Abbey Murfreesboro, a collaborative community of entrepreneurs, artists, and ministers who practice spiritual rhythms together to create beautiful culture. Austin also serves as a priest in the Diocese of St. Anthony, a diocese of the Communion of Evangelical and Episcopal Churches, and is an oblate of the Order of St. Anthony.

He has worked in Christian ministry and Christian education simultaneously for most of his career, serving numerous churches, Christian schools, and higher educational institutions. Austin holds an M.A. in Classics from the National University of Ireland, Galway and an M.Div from Veritas College International. Austin also currently serves as a certified coach and the director of recruitment for Growability®, a business consultation and education firm helping business leaders to thrive in life and in work.

Series Featuring Austin...