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How to Build Friendships that Reflect God’s Design for Humanity

How to Build Friendships that Reflect God’s Design for Humanity

In a time when loneliness could be considered an epidemic, confusion reigns about what friendship actually looks like. Is it childish to ask a friend for a ride to the airport when a car service could take you? Do our relationships need to look like the friends we see on

Jesus hanging on a cross

Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

There is much mystery surrounding Jesus’s death and what it accomplished for humanity. Understanding the divine purpose behind God sending Jesus to die on the cross for the people of the world can offer encouragement and hope in place of confusion. We’ll delve into the creation story, biblical prophecies, and

What is the Biblical creation Story?

What is the Biblical Creation Story?

One of the foundations of Christian belief is the Biblical Creation Story. This account, found in the book of Genesis, gives us the origins of the universe and humanity. Let’s journey through the creation narrative, examining the sequence of the seven days, considering the underlying themes, and searching for profound