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Mother’s Day: A Reflection

On May 12th 1907, a woman named Anna Jarvis held a small memorial service for her mother. This particular celebration idea gained momentum and soon, most places in America were observing a day devoted to mothers. Finally, in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson established Mother’s Day, to be celebrated on the second Sunday of May annually. But by 1920, Anna Jarvis had become frustrated with the commercialization of Mother’s Day and unsuccessfully lobbied for its discontinuation because she took exception to retailers profiting from consumers. And Anna Jarvis isn’t the only one with strong feelings about Mother’s Day.

In fact, while there is still quite a lot of commercial saturation around the holiday, many retailers are becoming equally aware and sensitive to the pain this annual focus can bring. A few businesses have begun an “opt-out” campaign as the holiday approaches to avoid unnecessary discomfort for those who’d rather not receive emails, texts, and notifications with a Mother’s Day theme. Reasons for the pain of this holiday certainly vary, and at QAVA, it’s our desire to hold the tension of Mother’s Day with the carefulness it requires.

You see, regardless of whether the United States devotes a holiday to it or not, mothering is actually God’s idea. In Genesis 3:20, Adam calls his wife Eve because she would become the mother of all the living. And in God’s character, we find all the maternal aspects we’ve come to associate with a “good mother.” Each of us was created by God in the womb of a woman, and it’s a miracle that every fiber of our being is known to Him and was knit together by Him. This alone is a reason to worship. God’s design of pregnancy and childbirth guaranteed that we each exist today. We also recognize the joys and sorrows that mingle with motherhood, and we recognize you… no matter how you’re holding this holiday.

For you who are pregnant with new life…

What a miracle! As each week and month passes, may you feel the nearness of God to you as He intricately knits together the new life inside you.

For you who have a complicated relationship with your own mother…

We recognize the tension created by necessary boundaries and commend your willingness to fight for healthy rhythms.

For you who are brand new moms…

Congratulations! We promise you’ll sleep again one day… in about eighteen years or so.

For you whose nests will be emptier soon…

Even though you’ve always known this day would come, we understand both the gladness and the sadness of the season.

For you with toddlers underfoot…

We remember that while the days are long, the years are short. May your sense of wonder stay in step with theirs.

For you who are traversing the teenage years…

Your parenting will pay off in who they’re becoming, regardless of whether they like you in the meantime!

For you who are spiritual moms, bonus moms, and mentor moms…

You are investing in a legacy and it will not return void. At every age, we need people further down the road than us speaking truth over us.

For you who are grieving loss through miscarriage, infertility, or failed adoption…

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and cares deeply for the crushed in spirit. We know it will never be the same.

For those who’ve lost your mother…

At any age, for any reason, the death of a parent is a defining experience. We hold the weight of your loss and recognize that its impact matters.

For you who are single mothers…

We pray you feel surrounded and championed today both by your heavenly Father and by those who love you.

And so this Mother’s Day, we see all of you. Mothering is not for the faint of heart. Mothers are real warriors, advocates, and nurturers. We know from Scripture that Mary, Jesus’ mother, was at the crucifixion of her Son. The Gospel of John tells us that Jesus took a specific moment on the cross and used words that would have been painful with every inhale and exhale of breath to ensure his mother would be cared for by John, the Beloved disciple. As a mom today, be assured that the risen Jesus exercises that same care and attentiveness to every detail of your life and holds you in high esteem. We are grateful for you, and today, we honor you. Happy Mother’s Day!

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