Newest Series
This year, consider engaging with Lent more deeply with weekly videos leading up to Easter. No matter where you are in your journey with Christ, Lent offers a chance to lean in and consider how the Lord is speaking to you today.
Shannon Scott, Curtis Zackery
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In this 8-session series from the team at Right Now Media, Louie Giglio will take us through the book of Colossians to help us form a complete picture of Jesus.
Louie Giglio
If you’ve ever wondered what it means to ‘hark,’ or how the story of Bethlehem fulfills Old Testament prophecies, this 4-week series is for you and yours!
Christy Nockels, Jon Reddick, Curtis Zackery, Shannon Scott
Unwrap this series about The Best Christmas Pageant Ever with the whole family!
Caleb Morgan, Maggie Scott
Discover why Paul went to Rome. Was it his final stop, or did he have another destination in mind?
Matthew Larsen
Pastor Matt Smallbone discusses what it looks like to be an “Unsung Hero.”
Matt Smallbone
A conversation about Recovery and Renewal.
Ashley Abercrombie
Joel Busby walks through 7 signs and wonders in the gospel of John.
Joel Busby
Matthew Reagan walks through the 12 Mountains in Scripture.
Matt Reagan
The past is a foreign country. To understand Paul, we must consider his context.
Matthew Larsen
A roundtable discussion about the importance of community.
Austin Cagle, Dwan Hill, Dave Stone, Rachel Shaver
Dave Stone leads a study on living with intention.
Dave Stone
Curtis Zackery discusses how to practice spiritual disciplines in order to find respite in an unrested world.
Curtis Zackery
“There is a time for everything,” we read in Ecclesiastes 3. Let’s talk about seasons.
Shannon Scott
Join Adam Donyes as he walks through 7 Pillars of leading and living a meaningful life.
Adam Donyes
Curtis Zackery and friends share stories and testimonies over coffee.
Curtis Zackery, Charlie Peters, Flavius Mois, Jonathan Pitts, Marcus Rixon, Ryan Lampa, Suzie Lind
A roundtable discussion about what revival really means.
Curtis Zackery, Andrew Erwin, John Bevere, Mason Tanner, Suzanne Nicholson
The creation story of Genesis 1-3 sets up all of Scripture.
Joel Busby
The kingdom of God is here. What does this look like?
Petey Crowder
A deep dive into understanding old testament structure and what it means for us.
Andrew Hudson
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