What Was Paul the Apostle Known For?


Paul the Apostle, originally known as Saul of Tarsus, is one of the most significant figures in early Christianity. His transformative journey from a persecutor of Christians to a devoted apostle who spread the teachings of Jesus Christ across the Roman Empire is nothing short of remarkable. Known for his missionary journeys, theological contributions, and […]

Revisiting Paul: Unpacking the Man, His Mission, and His Message

When you think about the apostle Paul, what comes to mind?  From sainthood to chauvinism, from champion of freedom to supporter of slavery, the varying opinions about Paul cover a broad spectrum. On a surface level and at a glance, Paul’s writing provides many opportunities to discuss and even debate the character and intentions of […]

Tips for Facilitating a Small Group

Tips for Facilitating a Small Group

As we approach August and the back-to-school season, we know many small groups are preparing to resume or begin, as well. We’d like to share some valuable tips for facilitating a small group that can help you get off to a fresh start this fall. Facilitating a small group can be such a life-giving and […]

How to Build Friendships that Reflect God’s Design for Humanity

How to Build Friendships that Reflect God’s Design for Humanity

In a time when loneliness could be considered an epidemic, confusion reigns about what friendship actually looks like. Is it childish to ask a friend for a ride to the airport when a car service could take you? Do our relationships need to look like the friends we see on television? Discerning our way to […]

Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

Jesus hanging on a cross

There is much mystery surrounding Jesus’s death and what it accomplished for humanity. Understanding the divine purpose behind God sending Jesus to die on the cross for the people of the world can offer encouragement and hope in place of confusion. We’ll delve into the creation story, biblical prophecies, and the significance of Jesus’ voluntary […]

What is the Biblical Creation Story?

What is the Biblical creation Story?

One of the foundations of Christian belief is the Biblical Creation Story. This account, found in the book of Genesis, gives us the origins of the universe and humanity. Let’s journey through the creation narrative, examining the sequence of the seven days, considering the underlying themes, and searching for profound insights into God’s character and […]

What is Revival?

What is Revival blog

In a world marked by the mundane and the ordinary, the longing for revival echoes deep within the hearts of believers- revival is a fresh breathing of God’s spirit—a divine initiative to revive what was once alive but has faded away. Christian revival is not always confined to grand events, but rather can be intimately […]

Mother’s Day: A Reflection

On May 12th 1907, a woman named Anna Jarvis held a small memorial service for her mother. This particular celebration idea gained momentum and soon, most places in America were observing a day devoted to mothers. Finally, in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson established Mother’s Day, to be celebrated on the second Sunday of May annually. […]

To Those Who Yearn to be a Mother

Trigger Warning: This post discusses miscarriage, singleness, and infertility. It’s my hope that any one who is struggling with these things will find hope in the message but I also want to be sensitive to the current state of your heart. I, too, was unable to read things such as this in former seasons of […]