The Spiritual Disciple of Fasting
Lisa Bevere once said, “Dieting changes how you look, but fasting changes how you see.” That simple yet profound statement captures the essence of why fasting is a spiritual discipline worth exploring—especially during Lent.
Fasting isn’t just about abstaining from food; it’s about creating space for God to move in our hearts and minds. When we willingly set aside something as essential as food, even for a short time, we heighten our awareness of our utter dependence on God. It sharpens our spiritual senses, allowing us to see more clearly what we often overlook—both in ourselves and in our relationship with Him.
Fasting in Scripture: Seeking God Through Sacrifice
Throughout Scripture, fasting is closely tied to seeking God. Jesus Himself fasted for forty days in the wilderness before beginning His public ministry (Matthew 4:2). In Acts, we see the early church fasting and praying for guidance before making important decisions (Acts 13:2-3). And in Isaiah 58, we learn that fasting isn’t just about personal growth—it’s also about aligning our hearts with God’s justice and compassion.
Fasting Reveals the Condition of Our Hearts
One of the most immediate benefits of fasting is how it exposes the condition of our hearts. Without the usual comforts of food, we become more aware of the things we use to distract or soothe ourselves—whether it’s impatience, pride, or misplaced desires. Fasting has a way of pulling these things to the surface, giving us an opportunity to surrender them to the Lord.
Turning Hunger Into Spiritual Hunger
Even a short fast—skipping a meal or abstaining from food for a day—can be a powerful exercise in drawing near to God. It creates an intentional pause in our routine, reminding us that “man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). In those moments of hunger, we are invited to turn to prayer, allowing our physical longing to direct us toward a deeper spiritual hunger for His presence.
How to Begin: Fasting During Lent
If you’ve never fasted before, Lent is a perfect time to start. Begin with a small step— maybe fasting from one meal or refraining from something specific that consumes your attention. The goal isn’t legalism or proving spiritual stamina; it’s about opening yourself to God’s refining work, seeing Him more clearly, and allowing Him to show you what needs to change.
A Call to Sharpen Our Vision
As we fast, may our vision sharpen—not just in how we see the world, but in how we see God at work within us.
As we continue in the season of Lent, we want to invite you to follow along with our series, A Journey Through Lent. Every Monday, we are dropping videos to help guide us through this season. Watch on our YouTube Channel or on the QAVA app. Get started for free here.