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Revisiting Paul: Unpacking the Man, His Mission, and His Message

When you think about the apostle Paul, what comes to mind? 

From sainthood to chauvinism, from champion of freedom to supporter of slavery, the varying opinions about Paul cover a broad spectrum. On a surface level and at a glance, Paul’s writing provides many opportunities to discuss and even debate the character and intentions of the man himself. But, as the author of so many New Testament letters, it is impossible to dismiss Paul’s presence out of hand. So, it then begs the question, Who was Paul, and how should his work and ministry influence our understanding of the Christian faith?

Like all of the writers of scripture, we would benefit from exploring and understanding the context of when and where these words were penned. New Testament scholar and former Anglican bishop N.T. Wright once said, “When you treat Paul’s letters as ‘holy scripture’ (as I personally have always done), it is very tempting to think of them as simply ‘words from above,’ not also ‘the words of a human being, often drawn out of him through suffering…’ But it’s only when we examine the real human situations in which Paul found himself, particularly his imprisonments and often terrible circumstances, that we really understand what he was talking about.”

In QAVA’s series, Nobody Liked Paul: The First Christians of Rome, we will look deeper at Paul’s life and work. We will examine the importance of understanding Rome’s historical and archaeological context in hopes of fully grasping the essence and intent of Paul’s letter. We will explore insights into Paul’s strategic planning and how his journey to Rome was part of a larger mission, altering the typical understanding of his intentions. We will also be encouraged to rethink Paul’s motives and consider that his goals may have differed from what is traditionally understood.

Paul’s life and writings offer us a glimpse into the early Christian movement, but they also challenge us to dig deeper and question our assumptions. In this series, we invite you to join us on a journey that goes beyond the surface, exploring the complexities of Paul’s character, the context of his mission, and the impact of his work on the faith we know today. Whether you admire him or wrestle with his teachings, this exploration will provide a richer, more nuanced understanding of one of Christianity’s most influential figures.

Watch Nobody Liked Paul: The First Christians of Rome, on QAVA! And if you missed the first season, don’t worry—it’s the perfect time to binge-watch this captivating series.

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